About Lori-ann
Lori-ann has been working as a makeup and hair artist and educator for over 25 years. She has shared her passion and expertise with some of the top photographers in Toronto, New York and Paris.
Her work has appeared in fashion publications such as FLARE, British Elle, Italian Vogue, Glamour, Imirage and FILLER. Her advertising and commercial clients include SONY, The Bay, Harlequin Publishing, McDonalds, Bell Canada, Sporting Life and Revlon.
Lori-ann's creative eye and love of art, sees the face as the canvas and the makeup as the medium. Her easy going manner, presence on set, skill to work quickly and collaborate with the team, help to bring the client's vision to life.
Client List
Adriana Canzio * Andrea Kellaway * Andy Lee * Angela Lewis * Anna Bertram * Arash Moallemi * Billie Chiasson * Blaise Misiek * Carolyn Ryan * Cathy Moya * Christoph Strube * Chris Thompson * Christopher Wadsworth * Craig Matthews * Craig Staples * David Wile * Felix Wong * Glenn MacKay * Greg Swales * Gustavo Toledo * Heather Gilmour * James Barr * Jeff Coulson * Jeff Levene * Jennifer Goren * Jesse Brioux * Joe Kim * Joseph Saraceno * Kevin Wong * Koby * Lauren Hayes * Lily & Lilac * Liz Yu * Lyndon Jude * Mark Binks * McKenzie James * Mehrab Moghadasian * Miguel Jacob * Paul Wright * Raina + Wilson * Riley Stewart * Roger Kao * Ryan Brook * Ryan Lussing * Sandro Altamirano * Seed9 Photography * Shih-i Liu * Steve Carty * Stephen Welstead * Tracy Cox * Walter Melrose
Advertising and Print
27 miles malibu * Alesse * Alexander Keith Pale Ale * Alpha Broder * Babies R Us * Baskin Robbin * The Bay * The Brick * Bay Optical * Beauti-Tone Paint * Becel * Bell Canada * BMG Music Canada * BMO * Boston Pizza * Butterball *Calvin Klein Lingerie * Campbell's * Canada Dry * Canadian Tire * cherokee * Classico * Coffee Culture * Corona * Enbridge * Evoke Wellness * Ganz * Giant Tiger * Grand & Toy * Harlequin Publishing * Hartz * HBC * HBC Olympic * Holt Renfrew * Home Depot * Home Hardware * Home Outfitters * Hooters Restaurants Canada * HSBC * Izzy Camilleri Design * Joe Fresh * Kashi Cereal * Kraft Canada * Lagostina * LG Canada * Loblaws * Lola & Gigi * Love and Nudes * Mapleview Mall * Marks * Mary Maxim * McDonald's Canada * Metro * Mondelez International * My Coat Is Blue * N.E.S. * North Point * Open Farm * Palm Bay * Party City * PepsiCo * Pharmasave * PURE Alfred Sung * Red Apple * Revlon Professional * Rexall Pharmacies * Sears * Shoppers Drug Mart * Simon Chang * Sobeys * Sony Canada * Spoiled Child * Sportchek * Sporting Life * Staples * Target * Toys R Us * Toyota * Tupperware * Urban Behaviour * Walmart * Warners Lingerie * Wholesale Club * Whirlpool * WonderBra * Xerox * Zellers
Beauty Beat * British ELLE * British Glamour * Boyfriend * Canadian Interiors * Canadian Living Chatelaine * Fantastics Mag * FASHION * FILLER Magazine * Gloss * Glow * GMARO * IMIRAGE Magazine * Institute Magazine * Italian Marie Claire * Italian Vogue * NUVO * POOR BUT SEXY * President's Choice Magazine * RedBook * Salon * Shuba Magazine * Style * Style Cruze * Today's Parent * Toronto Star (Fashion) * What's Cooking